Kingfisher Adventures / by Ian Harland

Marketing photography for Kingfisher Wilderness Adventures, a multi-day sea kayak guiding company. These photos have been taken in Haida Gwaii, Norther Vancouver Island and Quadra Island.

When tourists are trying to decide where to go on a trip, it will often come down to imagery. While words and reviews are important, visuals are what help potential clients envision what the experience will be like. If you’re part of a tourism agency, tourism board, or a company looking for new photos to stand out, I’d love to hear from you!

Kingfisher Wilderness Adventures

Spotlight - Raincoast Breads

Congrats for making it this far down the blog post. We ended our Haida Gwaii trips with a delicious muti-course mean from Raincoast Breads, the first fine-dining establishment in Canada permitted to serve wild foraged foods to guests. I found this so fascinating that I shot an entire series of the owner Kevin as he was out foraging.